When in Songs list, across the bottom of the screen is an alphanumeric row. If you press and hold the right/left button, a cursor moves along the alphanumeric row and the list jumps to the first song of the selected letter when you let go.
Does that make sense?
P.S. I’d also like to see ALL lists loop, so that if I go backwards from the first slot, it goes to the end of the list.
Both of these ideas have been requested in the past. It seems like accelerated & wrap around scrolling are likely to show up in the next FW. I really hope they add some king of alpahbetic index/filter as well. Even with accelleration, large libraries aren’t going to be much fun to navigate. When 16GB microSDHC cards are available you could easilly have a Fuze with 5000 songs on it. Indexing/filtering is really going to be required to easilly navigate a library like that.