The other day when I plugged in my WD passport into its USB 3.0 port and double clicked on the WD SmartWare icon I immediately got an error from windows saying the program wasn’t working and would be shut down. I don’t remember exactly what the error message was, but it was something like that and it would happen immediately after double clicking on the icon, but the icon remained and I could double click again to receieve the same error.
I have no clue what was causing that problem, but because I needed to backup my files I figured reinstalling the drive would fix it - WRONG!!
After uninstalling the drive now when I go to install it I get a message saying it can’t find WDSmartWare.exe on the C drive. Umm, of course it’s not going to be there…I’m trying to install it!!
At this point this drive is a $90 paper weight. I can’t install the software from the drive and I can’t reinstal Windows because I need to back up my data first.
How the **bleep** do I install this software???
Would it be a better idea to just wipe the drive and not even bother with Western Digital’s crappy software and let Windows 7 take care of the back up? If so, how do I do so? I just tried to disable VCD which I don’t really know what that is, but you have to have WD SmartWare installed in order to do that…WHICH I CAN’T DO
What can I do here??