I have very basic concerns as this is my first passport hard drive. I know alot of people suggest formatting the drive as fat 32 but at the same time the knowledge base states warnings about the drive becoming unstable if using as fat 32 and in multiple systems.
My main machine is a Mac, it will only be connected to a PC to grab certain files off of. I plan to partition one drive for mac and one as ntfs, using the ntfs just to temporarily grab certain files from my pc to move into the mac partition.
With the above said:
Would formatting the drive using the osx disk utility and pc disk manager cause any issues with the computers ability to pick up the drive since everything will be wiped from the drive?
Do I still need to install “WD +TURBO” ?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance
If you want to use a drive on mac and pc install NTFS-3Gon your mac. That software will allow you to use a NTFS (windows) drive on a mac without formatting the drive.
Also, there is a 4 GB file size limit on the FAT32 file format. This is a file system limitation that affects both Mac’s and PC’s, and there is no way around it. If you use the NTFS format you will be able to copy files to the hard drive on Windows and then copy them to the Mac computer. The Mac has only read access using the NTFS format. If you use the Mac OS Extended format, you will be able to copy files only between Mac computers. Windows does not have read or write access to a Mac formatted drive.
Since the drive is a plug and play device, I do not think that erasing what is in it will cause any issue.
The Turbo driver are not necessary. You can install it if the drive comes with it and check if it increase the performance or transfer speed.