I have a 960G Ultra II SSD, originally cloned/installed in another computer, now securely erased/reformated and being repurposed into a new PC. I’m trying to clone the new PC’s hard drive to the Ultra II. I don’t recall what cloning software was provided when the drive was originally purchased and since the drive’s been wiped I no longer have a copy of whatever it was.
I have the drive attached to a USB3 port via a SATA/USB3 cable, and the SanDisk Dashboard recognizes the drive just fine. Selecting the Tools tab in the Dashboard gives me a link for Acronis drive cloning software. I’ve downloaded that and tried to install it but I get an “Installation Restricted” message because the sofware does not recognize any SanDisk drive.
Am I still able to get a one-use copy of cloning software for the Ultra II, or is that offer a one-shot deal that I’ve already used for the original installation? Thanks.