I have set a password for my Hardrive, and it has always worked smoothly, but now whenever I insert it and enter the password, once I try to access my passport it gives me the access denied message. I tried it on another PC, and it worked, and I accessed my folder but the issue seems to be occurring only on my PC.
Please make sure you have the drive plugged into the USB port directly and using the Standard cable. If you are using an extension cord or a USB hub it is possible that the drive is not getting enough power to spin up properly.
Thank you but my drive is plugged properly and I am using the standard cable, the hardrive is running on my pc and asking me for the password and accepting it, but once i click on the My passport to view the files it says access denied, even if i click on the lock again it says drive is unlocked.
I tried it on another pc and it worked fine… It might be an issue with my settings…
I try to open the hardrive folder it self after unlocking it with the password, and it says Access Denied… even though when I scan it with an antivirus all the folder names start showing, and when i reclick the lock to reenter the password it says drive is already unlocked.
So basically to sum it up the files are still in there not damaged, and once i unlock it on a different pc it works fine… its just my pc where it gives me the access denied message. can it be a windows 8 thing?
What OS are you using? Have you checked the drive properties and checked out sharing? Try chaning the permissions to Everybody and give full permission.
From Vista on sharing,permissions and Ownership have been a royal pain. I’m not quite sure for Widows 8. But basically go to Computer and right click the drive and select Sharing tab then Advanced Sharing and select Everybody and give it full permission. If it isn’t in the list add it. You may have to do a search for more advanced things like Take Ownership.