4 tb My Book only shows 931 GB

I just purchased and installed a 4 tb My book on a HP ProBook running windows 7. Both Windows Explorer and WDSmartware show the drive has 931 GB. It’s a model WDBF JK0040HBK-0A (box) and P/N WDBACW00 10HBK-00 (device). Any suggestions on what may be wrong before I return it?


Are you able to try it on another computer? have you tried formatting the drive?

I did check it on another PC using Windows 10 and it also showed 931 GB (NTFS format).
I’m using the drive as it came out of the box and didn’t think I should have to format the drive. If I do format the drive, how do I preserve/load the WD files?


I have noticed something I hadn’t notices before.
You mentioned it is a 4TB My Book but the P/N number you have provided shows a 4TB (Box) and 1TB (Device).

I Believe you will have to go back to the place of purchased, they have sold you a 1TB hard drive inside a 4TB box.
Check the serial numbers displayed on the box and hard drive. They should be different if my theory is correct.

I noticed in the forum that someone else had received a different size drive than what he bought which is why I included that information. I’ll take it back to MicroCenter and hope I don’t have any issues. The box was shrink wrapped so I had no indication that it was tampered with.
Thanks for your quick response.