3TB WD Elements Desktop vs 3TB WD My Book

Hi everyone,

I already raised this question on the german board but that community could not come up with an answer, so maybe one of you guys can help me.

3TB Elements ( http://tinyurl.com/q2j6esf) - WDBWLG0030HBK-EESN - listed since 12/2013

3TB My Book ( http://tinyurl.com/oe3l7ds) - WDBFJK0030HBK-EESN - listed since  9/2013

I want to make an informed decision on which of the two storage systems is better with respect to the following criteria since both provide the same storage capacity (3TB), have similar release dates`(both USB 3.0) and I’m totally indifferent/slightly neghative towards the backup software of the My Book series. Does anyone know…

(1) …which of the systems is more energy efficient (supply, shut down possible, sleep mode)

(2) …which system has the higher write/read speed (or qualitative, is there a significant difference)

(3) …which system works more quietly?

I could not find any valuable info on these topics and would much appreciate any help!


Hello there,

In my opinion, the biggest difference between the 2 drives more than any electrical difference is that the elements drive is not bundled with any software or utilities, other that this i do not see a lot of difference between the 2.

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If you were to buy a 2(two) TB drive, then there would even be a 3rd option, WD Elements portable…


But tha aside, below the comparison between Elements and MyBook. Indeed what ArMak indicated, clearly the difference is mainly the bundled software


price difference is very moderate though.   :slight_smile:

then again, if you don’t use the software, I would stick to the Elements.


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The My Books are hardware encrypted and make data much reccovery more difficult if you have problems. elements are not encrypted.


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