Can I use my “WD Mybook Essential 2TB” harddisk in horizontal position? Because when I use it in vertical position, sometimes accidentally I knock it out and I think this may damage the harddisk. So can you tell me that is it okey to use it in horizontal position?
How can I remove the Smartware Software from my harddisk?
Q1. Can I use my “WD Mybook Essential 2TB” harddisk in horizontal position? Because when I use it in vertical position, sometimes accidentally I knock it out and I think this may damage the harddisk. So can you tell me that is it okey to use it in horizontal position?
You are right! knocking the drive while is working might damage the external drive and the information saved. Now about placing the drive drive on a horizontal position " No… It’s not ok" Let me explain you why.
This drive is designed to be use vertical because the air can flow on both side of the external drive. Now if you place the drive horizontal on your desktop the air will only flow over the drive but the side that is touching your desktop will be overheat because the air is not flowing under the drive and that might damage your drive
Q2. How can I remove the Smartware Software from my harddisk?
If you have the software save on ther external drive. Go to computer window ->select the drive that belongs to external drive -> make a right click on it and select format. Checked the option that say “Quick format” and click “Start Button” (That’s in the case that you are talking of the software that comes on your external hard drive) (Formatting your drive will delete all the information saved on it)
Now if you want to uninstall the software from your pc. Follow the steps that I posted just right below
Standing the drive blocks one of the vented sides and that blocks air flow. Since they are in plastic cases I don’t think the heat transfer is that great any way.
In case anyone is interested, I logged the temperature reported by the WD Mybook 3.0 (2TB version, not the"Essential" variant) in the vertical and horizontal position over a couple of hours. I used the temperatures reported by the drive’s “S.M.A.R.T” feature and logged using the Speedfan utility.
Result: The drive runs about 2 degrees Centigrade cooler (44C instead of 46C) when mounted in the normal verical position. Ambient temperature was around 20C for both tests. This is with the drive mostly idle.
I guess it is up to you to decide whether you are going to get better life from a slightly warmer drive vs. a cooler drive that could be damaged by knocking it over…