I’m using WD Smartware 2.4.1 with Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1.
Before installing WD Smartware my PC would go to sleep after a period of activity without any issues. After installing WD Smartware and enabling continuous backup the PC never goes to sleep. If I disable the backup the PC will go to sleep.
It’s as if continuous mode is keeping the PC active and thus resetting the inactivity timer - even though files are not being backed up.
I’ve seen other posts with the same issue but I haven’t seen any solutions.
Would setting up a backup frequency solve this issue? I’m guessing if the PC is asleep then the backup would never occur.
Is this is know issue or are there any fixes or work arounds?
I guess I’ll have to call them. When I email, despite giving all the technical info and troubleshooting I’ve done, I invariably get some novice doofus ultimately telling me to “reinstall Windows.”