Wi fi

hi all

could some kind person help just bought m

a passport the one with sd card slot tried to follow instructions in manual also wd on you tube but to no avail i am using imac ox yosemite,cant see it in wi fi but will connect via usb

i would appreciate some help i is not bril at computers

cheers wheeler

You have to connect directly to the MPW the first time to set it up. You can do that either with a phone running the WD My Cloud App, or using a computer such as your iMac. The WD Quick Start Guide shows the steps in graphical form, but you sort of have to know what you are doing for it to make sense!

Do you have an iPhone or Android phone that could be used to run the WD My Cloud App? I’m going to assume that you have, and that you can use it with the My Cloud App to be able to tell the MPW which wireless network to normally connect to. I am assuming that you have a wireless network that your iMac is connected to.

Download and install the WD My Cloud App on your phone.

Once you have installed My Cloud and have the MPW powered up, press the WPS button (the one with the wireless symbol on it) on the MPW to have it broadcast its presence. The bottom blue LED should start flashing to let you know it is broadcasting its wireless connection. Sometimes it takes a couple of presses to get it started. Make sure the MPW has been on for a couple of minutes and is ready before you try, then it should work first time.

Then connect your phone to the MPW using the normal wireless connectivity in the phone. The MPW will have a wireless name of MyPassport.

Then start the My Cloud App on your phone.

The My Cloud App will find your MPW and connect. You will be asked to set up a Wireless password for the MPW to start the configuration process, then the MPW will reboot and you will have to connect to the MPW wireless network again using the new password. You can also change the name of the MPW wireless connection here as well. Remember your password and the new name of the MPW wireless! Write them down.

Then you will be able to configure everything else including which wireless network the MPW should usually connect to, as per the manual and videos.

If you don’t have a phone that can run the My Cloud App, connect your iMac directly to the MPW via wireless, then use your web browser to access the MPW to configure it. Use address or http://MyPassport.

I will add that if you have an iPad, you can also use the Safari browse on it to set up the MPW – the screen is a good bit larger to see than an iPhone’s.  Keep the MPW at least 10 feet from other electronics when setting up, since a table or desk full of them emitting all sorts of electrical interference can make connecting to MPW difficult for setting it up.