Which new HD drives for My Book Studio Edition II


I need to replace both of the drives in my old My Book Studio Edition II (WD20000H2Q-00).

Which ones can I use? I’m contemplating buying two WD30EZRX drives, will they work?

One more thing. When I open the bay door, there are labels on the disks saying I should only use WD Green drives. Why is that?

Thank you all.


As a recommendation, try to get the same model of the drive that came inside of the unit as the firmware of the drive is set to work with those drives. Any other model, might not work properly.

Thank you, Help4All.

The thing is, the unit came equipped with two WD10EAVS (WD Caviar Green) drives that were made 5 years ago. It’s kind of hard to get a hold of them at the moment.

I’d expect a CaviarGreen drive to be able to be replaced with a WD Green drive.

Or a firmware update be made available for it to be possible.

The thing is, you can’t buy any FW800 drives with raid capability any more, either, so I’m aiming for a refurbishment.

Should I expect new WD Green drives to go “pffft” and die if I put them in? Cheers!