Hi forum mates!
So, I have a problem with my 1TB my book essential device (usb2+usb3). The original pcb (4061-705089-001 type) of it had burnt. Unfortunately a same type pcb price is being very expensive on ebay and other sites. (price same as an used complete device). I found a similar pcb from a 2tb mybook essential device. This pcb number is 4060-705094-001. Both device use caviar green hdd’s and the only different was the TB capacity and the pcb number. I connected my 1tb hdd with the 094 type pcb. The system look the drive the hdd sentinel program show the hdd details but the winchester is being write protected and the partition not allocated/initialled and not allowed format function.
I show that this 094 type pcb support wdbac0010hbk hdd’s as my hdd number. I do not know why not working my drive with this pcb.
Can anybody tell me a method for using or ab exact drives list about the supported items?
Thanks in advance