We need some excitement!
The novelty of the Clip+ hasn’t worn off yet, at least for me. I’d love to see a larger display Sansa to replace the View, kind of a hybrid between the Fuze case and its larger brother. I would definitely work on a better integration between the CPU and outboard video chips. When the View is working right, it’s a nice player, especially if you have some popcorn handy.
Bob :smileyvery-happy:
"The novelty of the Clip+ hasn’t worn off yet, at least for me. "
For me it wore off after around 2 weeks or so, definitely less than a month. The Clip+ is so similar to the Clip, which I already had. I would like to see a player from Sandisk with a built in clip that has much longer battery life than the Clip+, a scroll wheel, a larger display than the Clip+, a card slot(full sized SDXC preferred) and that has a mini USB connector. It would be even nicer if it has AM/FM HD radio, and/or it has an easily swappable battery.
I am tired of waiting. I might soon buy a new player not made by Sandisk. I have been waiting for something new from Sandisk for so long.
JK98 wrote:
I am tired of waiting. I might soon buy a new player not made by Sandisk. I have been waiting for something new from Sandisk for so long.
Why not? It’s not like you are married to SanDisk. You’ve bought several of their players, you can still buy another brand too. :wink:
Why do you want a FULL SIZED SDXC slot. You must have one as I have seen you request this in like 5 different threads now.
Going to a LARGER form factor to accomodate a full sized card seems like stepping backwards to me. Especially since you can supposedly get (someday) a mini-SDXC in the same sizes as the larger ones.
“Why do you want a FULL SIZED SDXC slot”
A 32 GB SDHC card can now be bought for around $70. A 32 GB micro SDHC is around $200, almost triple the price.
There are now 64 GB SDXC cards available. Micro SDXC cards might not be out for a few years. I can use full sized
SDHC cards in my digital camera and pc card slot without an adapter. Micro SDHC cards are too small, and much easier to drop or misplace than full sized SDHC cards.
Miikerman wrote:
Having lost 1 microSD card already, I see the wisdom of the statement, “Micro SDHC cards are too small …” ;(
Boy, just think, if you could use a full-sized SD card in your Clip, how cheap that additional memory would be.
Having said that, a 16GB microSD card (Polaroid) at frys.com (and Frys stores) right now, for $18 after $25 rebate; shipping is only $2 …
I heard about that deal too, but not knowing if those cards were trustworthy ,I decided to order another SanDisk 16GB card today anyways, for $31 shipped.
Message Edited by Marvin_Martian on 07-17-2010 05:16 PM
Miikerman wrote:
No 32gb card, huh?
That’s a great price for the SanDisk! Care to divulge the source?
I would feel comfortable with the Frys deal personally, as I’m near a store–if there’s an issue, exchange/return is easy.
Amazon.com, the seller was Blue Proton…same ones that I got my other 16GB card from on Amazon. And no, no 32GB card…they’re not economically viable yet, for a poor boy like me…and imagine the refresh time! (of course, that won’t be an issue for long)
Miikerman wrote:
Cool–thanks! And no way would I personally shell out that kinda dough for a 32gb card, either-- it still wouldn’t hold all my music.
Yup, same here.
Would like to see a new player with ability to take jpegs directly (without converting to bmp) and with ability to take avi (DivX and Xvid) files directly. 4" or 5" touchscreen. Keep USB connection. Keep microSD. Keep voice recorder and FM. Maybe add HD radio. Add wifi connectivity. Essentially a big screen Fuze with wifi and a browser.
I’d like to see something more like a Zune without the required interface for loading content.
I think the issue is that Apple and Microsoft are both making hardware essentially to support the pay-for-content “environment”. Sansa, thank God, has not chosen this route- but has probably not seen the significant profits that the controlled environment creates either.
"Would like to see a new player with ability to take jpegs directly (w68ithout converting to bmp) "
The Fuze will display .jpg files as long as they are smaller than 1024x768.
Imo the Fuze+ looks very disappointing. Imo the only significant improvent over the Fuze is the use of a standard micro usb connector(mini usb would have been much better). While video on the Fuze+ will be better than on the Fuze, I have no interest in playing video on such a small device.
Those who say a full sized SDXC card slot isn’t practical since 64 GB SDXC cards are over $200 aren’t taking into account that an SDXC card slot will also take an SDHC card, so for now someone could put a $70 32 GB SDHC card, then perhaps a year from now when a 64 GB SDXC card drops to around $100 they could buy the 64 GB SDXC card and use the 32 GB card in a camera or for backing up their pc.
I think, that i might do what JK98 said earlier - i’ll buy a player from another brand. Apple maybe? Cowon?
And the Fuze+ looks very, very uncool. Larger screen and new design? Cool, that’s what will make me buy it ;/. I hoped they’ll do a completly new player, not like what they did… I hope that the Fuze+ is not the only new player that will come out this year from Sansa.