I have a 4TB MyBook that’s about 3 months old. I set it to backup daily. My computer is a Dell Windows 10 64-bit Pro. I just checked the drive - and there’s only 300 GB left, and I can’t find where most of that 3.4 TB went! I don’t want to have to erase the whole drive, but if I can’t figure out what to delete, that’s where I’m heading.
If you used WD Backup there is typically twice as much space used for record keeping as there is files. Daily backups may accent that. Go to Restore and then Select files to Restore. The new screen will show you the date of prior backups. This is where your space is going. Unfortunately I can’t find a way to delete old backup records.
I suggest you do Erase the drive through WD Drive Utilities and change your backup frequency as well as the selected files, especially Downloads, Program Files and Program Files(x86), do keep Programs Data. Also look through Users.