Western Digital My Passport USB 3.0 2TB

Hello dear Community,

I’ve bought the Western Digital My Passport USB 3.0; 2TB, works really great, no problems.

Anyhow, two questions:

  1. Why is the LED flashing all the time, while the PC is turned off?

    Should i disconnect the external drive from the USB port, everytime i shut down the PC?

  1. I accidentally deleted the Backupsoftware. Is there any way to get the Backupsoftware back? :smiley:

Thanks in advance,



  1. Why is the LED flashing all the time, while the PC is turned off?

    Should i disconnect the external drive from the USB port, everytime i shut down the PC?

That means that your computer is still providing energy to that USB port. Check the settings on your bios to see if there’s an options that cuts the power to the ports after you turn the computer of.

  1. I accidentally deleted the Backupsoftware. Is there any way to get the Backupsoftware back?

Yes, you will be able to download the backup software from our support site.

Check the link below


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