Hi, I’m having trouble accessing my data as the file system of the wd my passport ultra metal changes to raw. Does anyone know how to retrieve my data?
Update : currently trying chkdsk just:/f and it has the following errors
Hi, I’m having trouble accessing my data as the file system of the wd my passport ultra metal changes to raw. Does anyone know how to retrieve my data?
Update : currently trying chkdsk just:/f and it has the following errors
I recommend you try using a data recovery software. If this does not work then maybe a data recovery company might be able to help.
Thanks for your reply,
Chkdsk appears to be frozen, currently trying test disk
This is the sign of a probable failing hard drive. I had this happen two weeks ago to my hard drive. I would recommend not trying to do any more chkdsks, as you may make things worse (like I did) and make backup data non retrievable. Look into a recovery program or assistance from specialists.
Hi, and thank you for your reply. I’ve retrieve chkdsk and it was able to give me access to the files back. During the scan it produce some error
Crystal disk info reported that the drive status as caution but wd will say that crystal disk info not accurate as it wasn’t designed for wd drives. I do have a hard drive from wd failed (500gb) and crystal disk info shows the drive status as caution while their own software shows as pass. Running the erase test makes crystal disk info drive status shows as good again. (The experience is on another wd 2tb portable drive)