WD2500XMS-00 Not Recognized on Windows 7

I found this device that I haven’t used in a while. I tried in on my Windows 7 PC and it didn’t work, my pc says it’s unrecognized. 

Troubleshooting that I’ve done:

  • Tried connecting it to every USB port in my computer (front and back, in case it was a power issue)

  • Tried going into device manager, and disabling/uninstalling the device, and plugging it back in.

  • Tried the universal firmware software. I unplugged everything and only plugged in the USB drive. Clicked retry… nothing.

  • Tried the WD SES driver (64 bit, I’m on a 64 bit machine).

Nothing here worked. I’ve also tried switching up the cables and going through this again. Nothing.

What can I do to get my machine to recognize it?

Did the drive work on that computer in the past? Does the drive show in disk Manager and does it have a letter?


I’m pretty sure this computer is new, so I haven’t tried it here.

It does not show in the disk manager. (Which answers the second part of that question right? If it doesn’t, I’m not fully sure what you’re asking.) 

How was the drive formatted before Mac or Windows for? A drive formatted for a Mac is not readable on Windows without thirdparty software. A drive formatted NTFS for Windows is read only on a Mac.


Thanks for the suggestion. I used to use a Macbook, but I just checked it out on my Macbook too and I can’t seem to get it appear there. Usually when I load it on a macbook it appears under “Devices” but this never does. Is there a way to check and see if it’s recognized on the Mac like we did on PC?

Also, is there a way to just reformat this so I can have it recognized on PC? Ideally, I would like to recover the data if possible. But if not I’d still like to at least use it.