I performed a new setup/install of a My Cloud EX2 Ultra a few days ago along with the WD Sync configuration. It has completed the sync between my iMac desktop computer and the EX2 which was about 700 GB.
Now that I’ve had some time to see how the process works and understand it better, I’d like to make some changes and would like some advice and instructions on how to do the changes. The first thing I’d like to change is where the data is written on the EX2 - what share it goes under. During the initial setup of WD Sync, I thought I had selected a different share for the data to be written to than where it is currently being written. There must be something I’m not understanding on how to control the share used. So if someone could assist with that part of the configuration that would be helpful. My current setup consists of an iMac desktop, MacBook Pro laptop, 2 iPads and 2 iPhones. The goal is to have each computer and device sync to a separate share on the EX2. I was able to get the iOS devices through the My Cloud app to sync to their individual shares, so that much I have working as desired.
Where I’m having a problem is with the Mac computers. I have already created a share on the EX2 for each computer - called iMac and MacBook. So, I’d like to configure WD Sync on the iMac to sync to the iMac share and on the MacBook to the MacBook share.
Related to the above changes for the shares is I’m REALLY HOPING a way to utilize the 700 GB sync that has already been completed for the iMac. I understand the process of using Finder on the Mac to move the synced files from their current share location to the newly created share. The question is whether after the files are moved and WD Sync reconfigured to use the new share will it recognize the fact that the files on the iMac have already been synced or will it start the process from the beginning which will take days to complete. Therefore, if you could keep that in mind when supplying the instructions on changing the sync locations and any additional steps that may be required so the sync doesn’t have to be redone, that would be fantastic!
Thank you for responding to my WD Sync questions.