Best way I can put it. I’ve installed and updated WD Smartware and when I plug my Passport Essential backup HD into my Vaio, it shows on the left with the C drive as an additional Vaio hard drive, NOT on the right side as necessary to use as a backup drive. Help.
BTW, this is on a Vista OS. And my wife has two Passports herself which we tried, my Vaio treated the newer one exactly like mine, but recognizd the older one properly and treated it like a backup device.
Because mine shows as an additional HD in the left side drop down window, the Backup and Retrieve buttons never light up.
Any ideas anyone?
Does WD hve any reps here trying to help?
Starting to feel this board is a waste of time, guys…
Does WD have any reps here trying to help? Does ANYONE know???
This is just a users forum apparently nobody has an answer.
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