I just bought the My Book Live, and installed WD SmartWare. When I start it up, it only shows c:\ in a drop down box, but I’m not able to click on the drop down box to change to my D:\ Drive.
What do I need to do to back up the data on my D Drive?
my desktop has the C: drive backing up, and also an internal sata partitioned as F: G: and H: backing up.
It’s certainly possible. Perhaps a case where you may have disabled a service on the computer while tweaking for speed (black viper stuff)?
Sorry, I’m not at home so I can’t look at the interface.
Thread moved to WD Software & Accessories: WD Smartware.
Smartware tends to only backup the “C” drive, try another software. I use Windows Backup with my MBL.
Thanks Everyone.
Actually, on the next day, when I turned it on, the drop down was selectable, and I was able to choose d:.… i didn’t make any changes to the computer… I’m not sure what happened.
That’s Smartware to you
It works, but it tends to be a bit random once in a while…