I have a WD My Passport Ultra external drives. For some reason, I am not able to open it and lost access. When I connect it to my PC with windows 10, it says that I need to Format it. When I am trying to do so, it takea forever and finally gives another error.
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Try using WD Drive Utilities “Drive Erase”. You have a choice of formats. WD Drive Utilities is available by clicking Downloads at the top of the screen.
Thanks, Clifford. I did try what you suggested but still gets an error. Please see below a snapshot of the error:
I did try to format under disk management, but I got below message
It is showing RAW instead of NTFS. How can I make the convert from Raw to NTFS?
OK., I see. Only thing I can suggest is you open a Support case and see if you can get a repair or replacement. Click on Support at the top of the Windows screen.