I haven’t experienced any data loss (though after reading all the reports, I’m worried it might happen anytime) but the drive keeps “freezing” after 10-20 minutes of use. By freezing I mean it still appears on the desktop but its contents can’t be accessed. The whole system becomes “clogged” until I unplug the drive (from the mains or from the computer). If I plan it again, it’s back to normal… for a few minutes. After some use, it will freeze again.
I’ve tried many suggested solutions. None of these worked. The behaviour remained the same after each of these:
updating WD Drive Manager
uninstalling WD Drive Manager and all other WD software
updating the drive’s firmware
restoring (via Time Machine) from OS X 9.4 back to 9.3 (the errors started roughly around this time, can’t be sure exactly)
using Verify option in Disk Utility prompted no errors
I’ve also tried Hardware approaches, but they didn’t make a difference either:
plugging the drive on its own socket, instead of a power strip.
connecting the drive by USB instead of FireWire
I’m out of ideas! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!