When I plug my My Book Essential USB 3 external drive into my new Widows 8 desktop it is not recognised, nor in any of my old computers although it used to work on them. There is power and the light is on. It is not shown in My Computer or Devices. Can anyone help me please? Thanks.
I recommend you try some basic troubleshooting.
1- Connect the power adapter to the wall directly.
2- If the computer is a desktop, connect it on the back USB port (directly to the PC, not through a hub).
3- Make sure you hear the connection sound windows makes when recognizes a USB device.
4- Go to "Disk Management” to verify if the drive shows up there.
If the drive shows up in disk management but it is not seen on Computer, then it means the partition is corrupted and you will have to format it in order to use it again. Please note that formatting the drive will delete all data stored on it.
I am sorry that the only thing I can say is Welcome to the Gang.
Here is a résumé of WD Support regarding this situation.
If the drive is no longer under warranty, your out of luck they don’t even offer a repair service.
They can offer you some adress to get your data back but it might cost you in the thousands.
If it’s under warranty they might replace it, as for your data, they don’t give a damme.