Wd My Book 4Tb is conneted by a Usb 3.0 cable to my HP Win 8.1 laptop.
Is this normal or something to worry about:
When I try to save to my Excel 2010 document which is saved in My Book
but when I try to save nwe data written in my Excel document,
My Book “wakes up” and it takes a while before new data will be saved.
During that “waiting time” Excel is in (not answering)-mode
Why I am saving straight to My Book and not in the harddisk of this laptop?
This is not my own laptop but my mother’s while my own laptop is broken at the moment.
That is why I would like to save all my documents direct to My Book.
When I had chance to save direct into my laptop’s harddrive and saved only backup in My Book,
I never noticed slowlyness. So I have hard to tell if My Book also then “waked up slowly”.
But in case I only back copied and didn’t save date after every 5 minutes
I possible did not recognize that slowlyness at all.
Is it normal? Or should I be worried about something?
1,95Tb of the total of 3,63 Tb (bought 4Tb!!) is free at this moment,
so too full My Book is not.
Thank you for all possible comments about this worry of mine!
The slow wake-up for the drive sounds like the sleep function takes over. This setting is in the WD Drive Utilities that come with the drive. It protects the drive by making it idle when it’s not being used. Mine is set to go idle after 10 minutes. To change it, call up the WD Drive Utilities and go to settings.
I am replying to your email about the WD Drive Utilities. The utilities should be on the WD Book. I don’t have my drive online right now, but the name of the file is “WDDriveUtilities.exe”. You should be able to find it by going to the Windows File Explorer and typing in the name of this file, then requesting a search on your WD Book.