My external WD 320GB hard drive isnt showing up on my mac, it wont show up on finder and it wont show up on disk utility.
I have never had problems with it in the past but all of a sudden it has stopped working, it has become extremely temperamental and when I connect it I can hear it running and clicking but it wont show in finder or disk utility.
Is there any way to salvage any of my files from this hard drive or is it corrupt?
Try another USB cable. If it’s a powered drive try plugging straight into outlet instead of a power strip. Don’t use a USB cable longer than the one provided and don’t use a hub.
I have tried another USB cable but the hard drive just won’t show up on either finder or disk utility. I can hear it but after a few minutes it sounds like its shutting down.
Thanks, I’ve already tried this aswell but I’m still not having any luck whatsoever. I have a feeling it’s a mechanical fault in which case I’m screwed. But if you know of anything that may help my MacBook detect that it’s connect it would be greatly appreciated as this hard drive had all my uni work on it which I did not back up.