Hi, I’m hoping someone knows some possible fixes or causes for this to stop working? The light is lit up and flashing as normal along with the sounds of the item loading up but it is not appearing on my xbox one (two consoles tested). I think if I connected it to a computer it will erase hundreds of games which I don’t want to happen. I’m not sure what other info is needed here so I will leave it at that.
Have you tried using a different USB cable? The unit might be getting power. However, it might not being working properly with a bad cable.
I can’t because the connection on the unit is one I’ve never seen on any cables. except this one. But my friend has the same model so I’ll have to test it with his cable next time he’s here. Hopefully that’s the issue.
I am having this same problem, extremely frustrating. I have 2 tb WD Elements hard drives that work fine. With their cables I can get this 4tb working from time to time. I better be able to get my games back off if it!
I wonder if this is on WD end or Xbox end, either way it needs to be fixed fast. 2tb add on is not enough.
My friend with the same model took my cable home and tested on his and it worked fine so it was the unit and it was sent away 2 days ago, luckily only one thing is discontinued and will now keep back ups of all future discontinued games/apps on the old xbox hdd. They offered to pay for my shipping and had fed ex come to my door to pick it up which was some pretty great service which is greatly appreciated.
Where did you send it off to? I am thinking I have to send my son’s in to be fixed.