WD Elements 1tb failure to connect to pc

Hello everybody,

I have recently purchased the WD Elements 1Tb external disc drive and there is a problem in connecting to my pc at work which is running Windows XP. On the disc management the device is recognisable but on “MY COMPUTER” does not seem to see it at all.

It is not a problemm with the cable since the device is recognised from other pc’s using Win 8 or Win 10 and works fine.

The retail shop from where i bought it doesn’t have a clue why this is happening, so please advise me what could i do to fix this problem.

Thank you in advance

New hard drives are formatted GPT Partition Style … which is not compatible with Windows XP 32-Bit (only MBR is)


I see… so I can not use it on XP’s… that’s not cool at all though…

Thank you for your prompt reply dear JoeySmyth :slight_smile:

You can use it with Windows XP … if you format / convert it to MBR :neutral_face:

Oh thank you, I’ll try it!


just remember … if you Format it to MBR you will lose / wipe your Data

but, there is 3rd Party Software (FREE) that will Convert GPT > MBR … without data deletion


I understand that alright and will transef the data on another disc before. Thank you for the link!!

no worries :slight_smile: