I have a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 with a Windows 10 OS. From the App Store, I downloaded the WD App and, to the best of my knowledge, installed it properly. The App’s description in the Windows App Store clearly states that the device is compatible with both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 OS. When launched, the WD App immediately tells me that it cannot find my two MyCloud devices on my network (“No Devices Found”); which is puzzling, since I have the device media folders mapped, and can easily see and access them through Win 10 File Explorer. I also use the (non Win 10) WD App and the WD Remote Access App with no issues or concerns. This is driving me crazy, as I cannot figure out which Win Network or OS settings are blocking visibility to the WD devices and associated drives. Does anyone have any ideas I can try?? I am wondering if an Internet Protocol or Registry change is warranted, but I doubt it, since I see and access my device drives fine using File Explorer. I also set my network to “Private” as advised by someone in an earlier post, but that was most probably a solution for those devices not found using File Explorer. Many thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the App?
Yes, several times. Unfortunately, that did not work. Again, this is very puzzling. Unless this product isn’t really yet fully compatible with Windows 10. All other software can see and access these network devices and files perfectly. Weird. Thanks anyway for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated.
do you use antivirus/internet security programs? if yes, you could try to turn it off and check if that helps.
i have had problems with Avast internet security, i think, because wd quick view, sometimes works when avast has been turned off. however, it has been working also when avast is running. so it is a big mystery - sometimes it is working, sometimes not.
for example right now smartware doesnt find my nas, neither quick view showing any info but it shows the nas name two times. because i see the name twice im more confident that the problem might be the wd software itself - i have only one nas.
No other anti virus software is installed on my laptop. Only Windows Defender, which I turned off as a test.
That didn’t work either. It’s very apparent that WD did not adequately or properly test this software on the MyCloud device. Given my laptop settings, and the fact that I have successfully mapped the device drives, and can see them in File Explorer as well as through other MyCloud software, means there is no other logical reason other than faulty WD Windows 10 software, as to why it doesn’t work. Open to any other ideas at this point. Thank you again for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated.