Version 1.3.2 fails to install

First try it failed after removing the old software.  Tried again.  It does this

Checking Windows type … [Check]  (It’s win7 64bit0

Check Internet Explorer version … [Check]  (Explorer 11)

Looking for ExpressCache device … [Check]  (Yes, I have the Readycache drive, it shows up in boot and also under devices)

Installing drivers … [!]

Failed installing SanDisk ExpressCache drivers.  Error: 2

So what’s wrong.  I tried an earlier update and my system would randomly reboot and the cache would constantly flush.  Now the drivers won’t even install.  What does Error 2 mean?

Try a full uninstall and reinstall. Instructions are in the post below. 

After performing an exorcism on my system, the drivers installed.  Stable so far and maybe a tad quicker than  the ealier version.