Used portion cache always 0,07 GB

It does I just did it to mine and it. you have to right click on the disk and select convert. I was looking for the option somewhere else but its just like in Windows Disk manager.

By this I mean down at the bottom where it displays all your disks you right click on the picture and it will give you the options to covert.

Stopped acronis loading at start up. 

I have disc director and true image installed, stopped acronis loading at startup looks like it fixed the problem.

No that did not work.

Sandisk reply which did not work. In one of the links I did see this.  a. Bad SATA cable or connection.
b. Failing SSD
c. Not enough power in the system - power dips

How likely is it that a poor power supply could be causing the problem.

Thank you for contacting SanDisk Customer Support. You should receive an email response from a SanDisk Customer Support Representative within 2 business days.

You can also check you case history and updates via your “My SanDisk”.

Best Regards,
SanDisk Technical Support
The following answers below might help you immediately. (Answers open in a separate window.)
Answer Link: Dual USB Drive not recognized by mobile device
Answer Link: ExpressCache flushes cache on every reboot
Answer Link: Cache has been reset
Answer Link: ReadyCache release notes
Answer Link: Expresscache supported partition types
Answer Link: Formatting an SSD as a secondary drive in Windows using Disk Management

Get a new one, no amount of messsing about will fix it, if you can see the cache fall off, like from 1gb to zero every few minutes it’s faulty.

I bought mine through Amazon so that was easy, dealing with Amazon has some consulations though their support people say they take absolutely no interest in what people say on forums.