Just updated my MacBook to Snow Leopard (to allow update to Lion). Purchased 1TB WD My Book for Mac and updated its software. Now I understand My Book for Mac is not compatible with Lion and you suggested I wait for your upgrade before upgrading to Lion. Anxious to update both…
I just purchased the Book. Am I not going to be able to use it with the Lion??? If not, I’l send it back to Apple!!
Western Digital is currently working on an update to make all WD products supported in Lion, since the software was recently released there is no official support for it just yet. I am also waiting for this update and Im certain they will release a note through here when these updates are developed.
When this update is rolled out, how are we to update our external hard drives if Lion won’t recognize or connect to it?
I called Apple and the first two people I spoke with had no idea what I was talking about. I said wait a minute, you all sell this in your store. It’s MY BOOK FOR MAC. Anyway I am returning it. I figure if they don’t know anything about it, I don’t want it. Also I wanted to upgrade to The lion, but maybe not. I’ll wait till all the kinks are out. Apple is not ready for prime time! I might go back to Microsoft. I KNEW they weren’t ready, but I thought the Apple people had more on the ball. My mistake; their error! The BOOK was returned today!!
Quoting myself from another thread:
Windows 7 came out in October 2009 and I updated (From XP) in April 2010 after making sure that all updates, patches and drivers on my devices were ready to support W7 and I saved myself from going through an incompatibility headache.
I plan on doing the same once more and wait until everything is updated before I jump from Snow Leopard to Lion, and I honestly can’t understand this “I must update to Lion on the very first day/month of release while blindly expecting for everything to work in a perfectly perfect fashion or I’m going to die” fever… Anyone ever heard of patience?
You are soooo wise! I appreciate your response. Yes, you are right on all counts, BUT of course everybody wants the NEW thing! IT HAS RAVE REVIEWS. How can you wait a year before getting something new? Maybe I should have stayed with MSN. Maybe I should have just stood in bed this month! I barely know the Snow Leopard system, but am ready to jump into another system. Oh well, what can I say? Thanks again for bringing me down to earth!
P.S. What is patience? Is that something one should strive to have???
I have a WD My Book Studio Edition 1TB (model WD10000H1Q-00). The hard drive mounts and unmounts non stop. Firewire or UBS is the same. Also with the last firmware (jan. 2009 dated) of the disk and after formatting. My hardware is an iMac early 2009 24" with LION. No problem with the previous OS.
We are waiting for a fix. please hurry :smileyvery-happy:
Have a new Mac running OSX v 10.7 ( lion)
Took delivery of this new machine and when installing My Book could not operate the icon on desktop.
Sent message to Apple Care and also went to visit the genius at Apple store Chadestone Vic Australia.
They could not help. This was one week passed, 03-08-11
After the last call to Apple they said to contact WD which I have done.
Their reply was in the process of fixing this problem and a up date will come out some time.
Said to use this forum
I have a My Book Studio Edition II (2x 500GB) -
I am trying to connect it to a Mac mini 2,3 Ghz i5 with Lion.
USB works ok for me - I even could perform a Firmware-upgrade.
BUT Firewire 800 does not work at all. It looks like the disk does not get connected at all.
The drive goes automatically into power-saving after a short while.
Amazing detail. Under USB the power-sving is not activated even after a full night. - Very strange.
Have to admit, that the whole thing worked much better under Snow Leopard.
one more on the community waiting for the fix from WD
Just got my new Imac, went to use my WD passport, and Lion won’t see it - works fine on my older macbook pro.
SO another +1 waiting on that fix. Soon to purcahse several more drives, so some kind of indication as to timeframe would be great or i will have to change brands. Notice this thread has been quite for a while? Couple of months since that post about working on a fix t have out soon…
Ok, and? I just bought a My Book World Edition 1TB external, and ASSUMED that WD would have a firmware upgrade for this device. Does this mean I need to take it back now? WTFOA? is there any good news to this end?
There seems to be a new firmware released just a couple days ago, but having trouble downloading the firmware from WD website. I am already having trouble with the constant disconnection between Mac OS X 10.6.7 with the 1TB My Passport (USB 3.0). I have uninstalled Smartware to see if it fixed this problem.
Knowing that there are issues with the Lion, I better wait until everything is stable before upgrading the OS.
So this confirms that WD drives are not Lion compatible.
Hoping this will change soon, as their products looks reasonable (price-feature-design) wise. Untill we wait for WD to get to work or be bothered by this forum, can anyone suggest an alternative? (Europe based)