Unble to back up to passport; not enough space

Ok, so I reformatted my 1TB Passport Ultra to start a fresh backup plan using the WD Backup utility. The drive is formatted as NTFS. When I tried to back up my Videos folder, it refuses to start and tells me there isn’t enough space to back up. The video folder is 476GB, while my formatted Passport has 931GB free.

Yet I still can’t start a back up. Anybody know wtf is going on here?


This is strange, try to manually copy the files to see if you get the same issue while copying, also try to see if you can diagnose the drive.

I am having the same problem. I am trying to backup around 700Gb and the external drive has over 900 free. It says not enough space. I do not know what to do.

Update- I think I figured it out. It has to do with the partitions. Basically my external hard drive doesn’t have enough space. Fml