Today my desktop crashed and I had to do a factory reset.
This way I lost all the files on my computer.
Luckily I had recently made a backup of my C drive.
Problem : when I connect the WD My Passport to my computer I cannot unlock the drive with my password.
7.29.18 Same problem. MyPassport Ultra device is locked. To my knowledge I have done nothing to lock this device. I don’t recall the password I setup with but there is a password hint. However, It appears that the hint is useless b/c it doesn’t lead one to recovering or resetting their password. I am guessing there is a smarter why to deal with this problem and if there is not, I am going seek a refund and file a complaint as this product is marketed using deceptive practices and lacks anything even remotely approaching adequate notice of this problem.
If there is a password hint, a password WAS set at some point.
It’s possible that instead of permanently unlocking the drive, you’d configured the security software to simply automatically unlock the drive.
Unfortunately, if you can’t remember the password, then you’ve lost your data. There’s no way to recover it.