Computers are 2 HP laptops running Windows 7. The 2 computers are in 2 differenet locations. In order to keep my Word and Excel files up to date I purchased a WD 750 gb external hard drive. My Passport. Word and Excel files were copied successfully to the 1st computer. External hard drive was connected to second computer and the Word and Excel files were unaccessible.
I assumed the WD external hard drive would operate like a memory stock, DVD or flash drive and that the files would be easily accessible. Not the case.
An error message was received that “the file was not accessible” and “You don’t currently have permission to access the folder”.
P.S… I changed the Excel and Word batch files from drive C: to drive F: and had no problem accessing the folder location but was unable to open the files and got the previously mentioned error message.
Something else I just thought of for both Vista and Windows 7. Along with the permissions in advanced sharing there is Take Possesion. You’ll have to google that. The sharing in Vista Windows 7 can be a real pain.