I have a My Book Essential 1To full of data and, like everybody here, I REALLY don’t want to lose my files. But I see that there is a lot of people who have problems.
So I was wondering about how many years those disks work ? And how to prevent problems at best ? Should I stop powering my disk after it’s full and keep it somewhere or can I use it everyday 24h/24 ? And should I always need a backup ( this mean buy all my disk in double ) or it is useless ?
All drives will fail, sooner or later… it’s just a question of when.
If you handle and use the drive properly, there’s no reason you can’t get a very long life out of it.
But having a second (or even third) copy of important data is strongly suggested.
These forums are full of folks who put all their important things on one drive (whether internal or external) and it was the only copy, and then something or another went badly and all their data was lost.
I have drives from 20 years ago that still work, and I have a recent drive that has failed. No one can guarantee you a specific lifespan.
Stored properly, as opposed to 24/7 use, should dramatically extend the life. But, the drive inside should last for as long as it would if installed as an internal drive. Most folks get many, many years out of a Caviar Green drive, even using them 24/7.
The only thing I can to RoofingGuy 's post is always remove the drive properly. A lot of the problems are caused by people in a hurry who simply unplug it instead of using the remove safely icon. We can’t emphasize enough to have more than one copy of important data.