Time Machine error on my M1 Mac using Extreme Pro SSD

I’m using a Macbook Pro M1 on Monterrey. Time machine wont back up and I get this repeated error: " Time Machine did not back up because the computer was running on battery power. Connect your Mac to a power source while your backup disk is available."

  • I am connected to power
  • I’ve connected the drive and power directly to the laptop without any dongles
  • Ive turned off screensaver, hard drive does not spin down, disable lock screen
  • i’ve deleted all snapshots from my mac

I’m at a loss why this backup never completes; it goes to about 30% or so and fails. Has anyone figured this one out? thank you

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Hi @susandegarcia

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

I’m having the same problem for sure… wondering why I deal with a message weekly that says my Time Machine hasn’t backed up in over 200 days, despite being connected directly to the computer.