I’d like to see the following (I have a mybook live):
1. Thumbnail preview for video files on all devices
2. Wd2go currently only creates a remote virtual drive temporarily that lasts only till you turn your windows PC off. I’d like the drive to be permanently there no matter where I go.
2. Remote automatic backup of photos and videos for all devices
3. Pictures and video filed in the same place and treated the same like they are in the camera roll of an iphone
4. wd2go and wdphoto combined into one app. That app should also be able to play music easily. The wd windows 8 app is a good start but it has a lot of bugs right now.
5. being able to do remote automatic backup between two my book live NAS.
Must say, I’m pretty happy with my drive now though items 1 and 2 above have kept some people I’ve recommended the drive to from buying it.
You’ve improved your software a substantial amount already since I first got my drive and I’m hoping you will continue to do so. Thanks for all your efforts.