Somehow managed to partition Passport!

Hi, I was trying to format my Passport 400gb back to FAT32 from NTFS, when I somehow managed to end up with 3 seperate partitions, on of 164mb, one of 3gb, and the one left is unallocated and wont be picked up by my PC. I was using Partition Magic 8 to format the drive, as windows wouldn’t do it (I was using XP at the time). I’m now using windows 7.

Can someone please help me restore it back to one partition, as per the factory default (FAT32).

Thanks you,


Was it originally formatted in FAT 32?  If so, you can go to your passport’s downloads page on our support site, and download the FAT 32 formatter for your passport.  It will reformat the drive in FAT 32.  Otherwise, you will need to delete all the partitions and find a 3rd party format utility to format the drive completely in FAT 32.

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Thanks Bill_s, problem solved! I couldn’t get the WD format program to open after downloading, so I used Easus Partition Manager to sort the problem out, was very easy to do in the end. So finally my Sony Media Player recognises the drive again!



That’s excellent.  Glad to hear it.