Some questions about using WD Backup and Syncing on WD Passport Ultra

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum.

I have a WD Passport Ultra. On installation, I have the following on my PC:

  1. WD Backup
  2. WD Security
  3. WD Drive Utilities

From the WD Support site (under Download), it seems that the following are true:

  1. WD Sync for Windows works only for WD Cloud Personal Cloud Storage device.
  2. WD SmartWare does not support WD Passport Ultra (and WD Backup is recommended).

So, my only option (using WD software) is to use WD Backup.

I have read some previous posts and realize that WD Backup is not a syncing software. So, everything backed up to the WD Passport Ultra remains on it unless manually deleted.

I have a few questions related to using just WD Backup:

  1. Can I delete a folder/file in the WD Passport Ultra without causing corruption?

  2. If I move a folder/file on my PC what happens in the WD Passport Ultra?

Will the folder/file be moved or simply added to the target destination (leaving the original folder/file as is)?

  1. If I rename a folder/file on my PC what happens in the WD Passport Ultra?

Will the folder/file be renamed or simply added as a new the folder/file in WD Passport Ultra?

  1. When I do a Restore (using WD Backup), will all the folders and files from the WD Passport Ultra be restored/copied to my PC?

Does WD Backup at least keep track of the folders/files deleted, moved, or renamed on the PC?

Will I have a choice to weed out the files that I had deleted from the PC (after a backup)?

  1. I have created four partitions on the WD Passport Ultra.

Three partitions are being used for backup using WD Backup.

I was considering using the fourth partition for syncing (using a third-party software).

Does that seem like an okay idea?

Can you recommend a free software for syncing?

Thank you.:slight_smile:

Hi there,

WD Sync is only for network drives.
It is recommended that you use WD Backup, but WD SmartWare will also work with your drive.
You can definitely manually delete a file or folder on the Passport Ultra without causing corruption. Corruption is mostly caused by disconnecting the drive without properly ejecting it first.

WD Backup is not a syncing software so to answer questions 2,3. Nothing will happen to the files on the drive if you change a file on your PC and vice versa.
When you do a restore, the files will be copied back to the PC, but they will still remain in the backup drive.

I wouldn’t recommend more than 2 partitions on a drive, but if it works out for you, then give it a shot; I can’t recommend a third party syncing software since I haven’t tried one before.

Hi Feragui,

Thank you for your reply.

Basically, I have to do the file/folder maintenance myself to mirror my activity on the PC.

Whatever was backed up onto the Passport Ultra remains static (unless I rename/move/delete it).

Last question:

I have a Word file, say abc.docx, that I have backed up already to the Passport Ultra.

Thereafter, I modify the contents of the file abc.docx.

Then I use WD Backup again.

Will the new version of file abc.docx overwrite the one existing on the Passport Ultra?

Thanks again.


I just ran a small test.

Yes, the changes made to the document are reflected in the backed up document.

Yes, this is correct :slight_smile:

Thank you very much.:slight_smile: