Software needed for My Book?

I was recently given a My Book external drive and was not provided with any software.  I have hooked up the unit and manually transferred files and folders to the My Book, but I’m sure that I am missing the software to perform automatic functions.  Can anyone guide me to the location to download the applicable software?  I have reformatted the drive according to the users manual, but the users manual says to go to downloads and download the My Book utility.  I can’t find the software titled “utility”.  Any assistance will be appreciated.

Can you post your drive model number, just to better assist you.

If you are dealing with a old WD drive like the My Book Essential 2.0 there’s not software at all, just the bare drive. However if you are dealing with a new hard drive you could find another partition in “My Computer” for the WD Smartware backup application.

This one allows you to perform automatic backups in one or several computers.