If anyone had this issues with the device, and u solved it, please share me the solutions!
I bought a MyPassport Wireless Pro 4TB device one month ago. I tested the procuct, and i have so many problems.
The WiFi is very unstable (both 2,4 and 5GHz). Disconnect me randomly (after 1-15 minutes), Often I need to restart the wireless pro to reconnect to the wifi network. But the device share the network with my router, and i have no trouble with this function, only if i connect directly to the my passport pro. Tested with 3 notebooks (win10), and an android phone.
HD and SD!!! video stream laggy on both type of wifi. The movies stop to puffer too many times. Tested in many video players.
Very slow wifi speed. With 5GHz i can copy files with max. 18MB/s. With 2,4GHz max 2MB/s (tested with large files)
If 2 devices connected to te device, but just 1 device do up/down stream, drastic speed decrease.
In browser never show me the connected USB devices, but the device can save their data with the physics button.
Cant run exe files from wifi (it can, but i can smoke 5-7 cigarettes while the ~50MB exe file started to run)
The device reformatted (NTFS file system, 4KB cluster size), and tested with the original and new firmware versions.
I wrote this problem to the support for two weeks ago, but no answer.
First, of all, do you have a complete user manual for your MPWP.? If not it can be downloaded from WD Support. You need it.
Now, let’s see if we can improve the wi-fi performance. When at home your drive must be connected to your router wi-fi signal and you connect your receiving device ;, e.g. a mobile phone or tablet to you home 5G wi-fi signal for videos. You do NOT connect the receiving devices to the drive’s internal wi-fi. (When away from home with the drive the internal signal is what you connect to.)
At home your drive needs the best location near router for best reception. So, put drive in same room as router. You and receiving device on the other hand, can be anywhere in the house where you get a very good 5G router signal. This should improve things a lot. But if it still needs improvement, see this solution I told someone about last week
As for copying files, do not copy anything large, or numerous files via wireless. Instead, connect the MPW drive to your computer USB port with the supplied cable. I never use wireless to copy files unless it is a very small file. Too slow, even if everything is working right.
What exe files are you trying to run from drive? Where? Drive is not made to do this.
Above info should help you out, and remember to download the manual !
But you dont answered me for my real problem.
My real problem is when i want to connect Directly to the MPWP device. For example if i am not home, i want to use in trip, or college, when i dont have wifi connection via router, just with ethernet cable maximum. If i do this, and the MPWP device front of my router, this wifi all time disconnect and sometimes reconnect.
I never use the device for movies via router at home coz its wifi slow. I tried that what u said, but in 2,4GHz the ~300MB SD 20 min videos are still laggy, i cant use this type of wifi for this, and at home i just have 2,4GHz router.
For example, send using 2.4G and receive by 5G If the same or worse quality, then reverse the band you send and receive on and see if it is improved. Use what works best. Using two bands improves throughput.
Exe files… e.g. installers. I dont want to use via usb cable, i bought this device to use via wifi, so i can use it several device in one time, and without cables. If i want to use via cable, i buy another external drive which is cheaper and dont know wifi connection.
Re Performance and wifi dropouts:
Log in to the MPWP via browser and check settings:
Under Hardware tab, make sure it is on Performance and not Battery Life (power save) mode which slows performance. Page 35 in the manual.
In the Access Point Settings, under the Advance Settings, make sure the Wi-Fi Inactivity period setting is changed to off (it defaults to 5 mins). Page 26 in the manual.
Note performance also reduces when battery gets below 50%.
The drive also has a sleep mode and if not accessed for a while may take up to 10 seconds to spin up and respond, so be patient.
For the 5GHz network i use performance, and not battery life mode (in battery life mode 5GHz is disabled)
I changed the inactivity period to off earlier.
In college i use the MPWP from its charger. Before go to a trip i always charge to max the device, and i never use more than 1 hour the MPWP, so it always above 50% battery.
The sleep mode is okay, i know it. But it disconnect me while i see a movie too. In this case the MPWP shouldnt go sleep.
These settings are modified earlier, after i bought the device, and read the support files,
And i still have the problems.
Hard to know what else to try. Maybe turn off the 2.4 GHz band and try setting a different channel on the 5GHz band. Maybe there is wireless interference on the current channel.
I don’t have any trouble streaming video (no stuttering), and would not be happy with the performance you describe. Request an RMA and have WD support look at the unit.
I thinking about to buy another harddisk drive, and get out of this hd drive. Nothings work.
Never have so many problems with anythings before. Don"t buy WD.
You are not the original poster, so why are you posting in here? Why don’t you create a new post and tell us what your problem is. Too many people have their MPW drive working for there to br a major problem.
I’m having pretty much the exact same issue as described above. My first MPWP after a lot of back and forth with WD support guys (who were very helpful) was accepted by WD to be replaced, my new one arrived and unfortunately I am still getting the same issues with wifi speeds. I cannot even stream the sample music that was provided on the drive without buffer breaks every few seconds. File transfer speeds in Windows Explorer vary from around 3MB - 7 MB /s which is way lower than I would expect but seems is all that the MPWP is capable of, regardless it should be good enough to stream an mp3 in VLC but nope, something is wrong. I too am really frustrated at this product. I should have just got an equivalently priced samsung SSD drive, without all of the cool features that don’t work.