SmartWare Will Not Install PLEASE HELP


I just recently formatted my passport HD, which I regret. But this had deleted all my files. I had reinstalled them from a link I found and when I click the SmartWare application button, It says “Application not started from drive”. Please help me, im on a deadline to backup a computer! 

Hi there, what if you download Smartware again from the website and load it? But that error is very weird, it’s the first time I see it here on the forums.

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Did you reinstall the SmartWare files on to your newly formatted My Passport drive?

If not, reinstall the SmartWare files on to the My Passport drive and click on the SmartWare application button from the My Passport drive.

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Yes I install it to my Passport drive.

Try to install Smartware to your main bootable drive, no to the external drive.