secure access question

afrer downloading the secure access exe. file straight to the usb and installing the program. there are 2 files…

sandisksecureaccess vault and sandisksecureaccessV_win

now if i add files to the vault and delete the first folder “sandisksecureaccessvault” anything stored in the vault is deleted…correct?

im just curious because anytime i delete the first file folder after installing the program…my files get deleted…so whats the point of having a vault if anybody can just delete one folder from the usb and have all of your stored info in your “VAULT” deleted?

now i tried to add that installed folder into the vault itself but that didnt work and i also tried to make that folder hidden but that also was a no go…can anybody explain how to keep the vault on my usb but not have anyway to delete the stuff stored on the drive itself. 

thank you.

anybody explain how to keep the vault on my usb but not have anyway to delete the stuff stored on the drive itself.


so whats the point of having a vault if anybody can just delete one folder from the usb and have all of your stored info in your “VAULT” deleted?

The files in the vault are “secured” so nobody can access/see/change them.  If someone deletes the vault the files are gone but they are not accessed/seen/changed.

If you need a backup of the files, and if they are important files a backup is how you prevent them from being lost/stolen/deleted, copy them to the hard drive and secure them there with something like 7-zip with a password.