SanDisk SecureAccess (Password and encryption software)

I bought my latest SanDisk drive to go with my Acer A500 tablet.  I would like to be able to run the encryption tool to say encrypt on my PC and then read the encrypted data on my tablet, or save an encrypted file on my tablet and then read it on the PC.  Any chance of this happening? On a related point, it SecureAccess an Open Source tool?

“Any chance of this happening?”

Sure.  (not saying what the odds are though.  lol )  Quickest way to find out, try it.

“On a related point, it SecureAccess an Open Source tool?”

Not to my knowledge.

hey drlucky!

what happens if Cant see my files when I enter the vault but i can see them listed as number and I cant open the so please if u know how I can accsess them tell me

Yes I had to do a chat with SanDisk to figure out what was going on between using the drive between two computers. Seems like a really unfriendly user process.

Why can’t it work by just asking for the password when you plug the drive in? How hard could it be to have that work? I suspect that the problem is the encryption process requires this awkward use of the drive. I don’t need the encryption, just a passcode to open the drive.


From my experience with this software it does something unexpected when you use any option other than the “official” one. My issue was with getting at a file >32GB on a 64GB drive. I found that the only option that worked as expected was to Right click the file in the vault; Click Restore; and Select the destination folder. All other options such as drag and drop or Copy first extracted the file to the SanDisk drive which of course ran out of space and that crashed the process.

I suggest to any readers with the same issue (adding files > half the free space) that you try the Add option rather than using drag and drop or similar.

BTW my earlier post was a reply to the post regarding adding a 39GB file to the vault. To make it clear:

For adding files to SanDisk try the Add option so you select the file using the SanDisk software.

For getting files from the SanDisk try the Restore option on the right click menu so you select the destination using the SanDisk software.

Hi all, I just bought a new GB SanDisk Cruzer and try to run the SecureAccess located on the flash drive.  The message “Please run SanDisk SecureAccess from a SanDisk external device” simply appeared when I run the RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win located on the flash drive.

I have tried to delete the RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win and copy the file downloaded from , but it doesn’t solve the problem, the error message remains unchanged…

I am sure that the folder “My Vault” is present on the flash drive. 

Could someone suggest a way to solve this problem? Really frustrated by now.   Shall I call the support hotline directly?

Greetings All,

I purchased the Cruzer Fit USB Flash Drive because I needed a secure storage device that would password protect an entire folder.    I followed the RunSanDiskSecureAccess_Win directions on my Windows Vista PC and made “My Vault” secure, but for reasons I can’t understand, I can place this drive in any computer and access the files (read) without having to enter the password. 

What I need is for the information I place in “My Vault” to be blocked from access unless the person knows the password.

Is there a way to do this and I’m just missing it, or do I need other software for this purpose?

Thank you kindly.


EDIT:  Resolved.  I just did it wrong the first time.   To resolve I deleted what I placed on the drive, launched the security program, logged in with password I created, then dropped the folder I wanted locked inside.    It’s not complicated but the instructions could be more user friendly.    I also dislike the fact the USB drive wants to auto sync Media Center; not sure the logic behind that when there is no basis upon which to think the user even desires to use the USB for that purpose.   Cheers -Ripple

I use Sandisk Edge for a few days. Set my password, all ok. But today after accesing Secure Access with correct password I didn’t found my directory which contains some photos (about 50 MB). I can see these encrypted files in My Vault\Files\00000 but directory doesn’t appear in SA. What is a reason of such behavior of my flash drive and how can I get acces to these files? Do I have any guarantee using this Edge that iI wouldn’t lost any further data when I store them into the Vault?


If you forget your password, U3 Launchpad locks your device. The only way to make it usable is to reformat the flash drive. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you keep a backup of the files on your Cruzer on your computer.

It’s not the problem with password because I’m still using flash drive to store some other files. I only cannot acces data previously copied to vault but I know they are still in there. I can see them encrypted.


I do not have any problem with U3, of course until win7. I still buy the obsolete Sandisk Cruzer with U3 from Staples.

you stated: “lets face it u3 was buggy technology that was riddled with compatibility issues and mostly would not work well unless ran under administarative privigaes. the only thing it had going for it was password protection and there are literally hundreds of apps that can provide that.”   Will you please name a few apps with password protection for entire USB upon insertion that are as good as U3.

Best Regards


here you go 46 million hits


where can i find this dmg file to copy to the scandisk? sorry for my ignorance

@robinjordan wrote:



where can i find this dmg file to copy to the scandisk? sorry for my ignorance

What dmg file?

And what SanDisk product do you have?

The file that is the subject of this thread is found in the link in this post:


I have the same issues and I did have on my USB key and then when I download it from your company to the key it wouldn’t work  :neutral_face:

Hi.  I regularly use the vault on my SanDisk memory stick, however when I logged on recently it seemed as if I was using the vault for the first time - I was prompted for language, password, confirmation, accepting terms etc.  Now I can not find my original files and I only have them backed up in encrypted format.  Can you help?


i have SAN DISK cruzer 8GB i have downloaded some pictures in it- but when i try to view it - its asking me for the password

and i do not know what password to be use ??? please inform me - i have just registered with sandisk- can i use the same password if it ask me again  ??please reply

to my email

and thank you

my pictures the wise faimly