Restore back upto new laptop

Hello, I have a WD passport ultra 2.4.16 not sure if I am in the right category but I am trying to restore my backup from 1 laptop to a new laptop. I tried to plug it into my new laptop and nothing on there just said my passport “e” and the files on new laptop. then i saw this on the WD website along with this link WD Backup: Restore Backup on a Different Computer* Please make sure the WD Backup Setup screen is not closed and Back up Files is not clicked. If the WD Backup Setup screen is closed or Backup Files is started on the new computer, the original computer backups will not be visible in WD Backup.

WD backup restore from another computer must be done during the initial set up wizard. If the WD Backup software is already installed then WD Backup must be uninstalled.

So do I have to install this download on the Link? How do I know if the WD backup set up screen is not closed? it also says back up restore must be done during the initial set up wizard and I already set up my new laptop. Also at what point do i plug in my My passport ultra? I am NOT very computer literate so please make your answers easy for me follow. Thank you in advance for your help it’s appreciated. I hope I didn’t mess up by plugging it into my new laptop already. Thers not to much on it mostly need my documents and 1-2 programs I have.

Hello Barb3,

Yes, it is true that if the WD Backup Setup screen is closed or Backup Files is started on the new computer, the original computer backups will not be visible in WD Backup.

So first, connect My Passport Ultra to your new laptop then install WD Backup on it from below link. After that, follow the steps provided in below article to restore your old backup on new laptop.