I’ve been told my Western Digital external hard drive will have to go to a company for data retrieval. What I’m reading online looks like most are scams and have a lot of complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau. Can anyone recommend a reputable company that can retrieve my data without me having to remortgage my house to pay for it?
Hi TGarner,
You should try below link to contact Professional Data Recovery Companies.
NOTE: WD warranty does NOT provide for data recovery or reimbursement for data recovery services. The WD warranty covers the product itself, but does not cover any damages (monetary loss claims) due to data loss.
I am dealing with a MAJOR data loos on their crappy My Cloud EX2 Ultra.
Their tech support that hardly speaks english is a joke and not really there to help, more like avoid answers and give you the run-around.
I personally find it beyond ridiculous that a company that’s been manufacturing Data Storage hardware for decades does no provide solutions for data loss/recovery while they have ALL the experience and knowledge to do so.
The amount of users on this forum that complain about Data loss on WD products SPEAKS VOLUMES!
The fact that not only WD doesn’t offer data recovery, but recommend companies on their website makes you wonder if they also get “referral fees” and find it easier to make money while others do the work.
And this whole Hardware Encryption deal that stands in the way of solving data loss problems which you only learn about here (user forums) after you’ve had problems is another scam/sham/bam.
Shame on you Western Digital. On your poor dysfunctional products and worse customer support and problem solving capabilities!
Shame on me (and everyone else) if I ever purchase any of your products again.
I tried you list of “approved” companies. Drove an hour and a half to one. Dropped it off and was told I’d know something in a couple of days. I was barely back home before receuving an email that it eould cost over $1,000 to retrieve my data!! Are you kidding me??? What a scam!!!