how do i remove write protection on my digital western external hard drive? please help
Hi dude!!
Which drive is the one that you have? More details will be helpful
Judging by the number of requests regarding removing write protection from WD Passport drives it is a common problem yet no one from WD or anywhere else has come up with the definitive solution
Google is full of request for help on this subject and all the answers say try this or that but none works. My passport is still write protected. It is about time that WD put the solution on the web or admitted that there is a fault in the hardware and made recompense for it
The OP didn’t bother giving the model whether he was using Smartware or OS. Something simple that sometimes works go in device manager deletl driver disconnect reboot system and plug back in.
Thanks for reply. My drive is Passport Essential, my OS is windows 7 64bit. I will try what you suggest.
It worked.
thankyou, thankyou, thankyou