Questions about Any Video Converter

I came across the “Any Video Converter” and would like to know if it’s lie the Sansa Media converter and if it’s as good or better than the Sansa Media Converter, if it’s worth downloading, and if it if contains any viruses because I don’t want any viruses on my computer. Thanks

-The Saxmaster

It is widely recomended on this board. I have used it only 1 time but It worked great. It is best used for the fuze when used with SMC. Get the video into a format the fuze will take, (Search the board for the specs) and then run it thru SMC

Cool. Thanks.

Doesn’t Any Video Converter put a watermark on the video when using the free version? Or am I thinking of another one?

I dont know I bought it.

I have been using AVC for MPEG-2 repairs to troublesome VOB files taken from DVDs.  No watermark.

Every now and then, a transferred DVD will bork one chapter; I run it through AVC, and reload that single chapter in place of the one that freezes up or won’t load on the Sansa.

I prefer loading movies in this way, in handy 30 minute chapters, since I can access sections easily, and during playback, I have a bookmark within each chapter for later review.  To view the entire movie, the next chapter is loaded by rolling to the next part and clicking the center button.

Plus, my opthamologist would approve of my stopping to let the old eyeballs rest for a minute.

Video on the little device is a welcome diversion.

Hey, I can stream the video on the computer if I feel like it, using RealPlayer too.

Bob  :stuck_out_tongue:

When I tried Any Video Converter, I got loaded down with spyware, and I was an avid scanner of spyware. I don’t know if they’ve removed the spyware since I tried it, though, as it’s been a couple months since I willingly used Windoze.