Power dissipation for G-Drive SSD

When using the G-Drive SSD with the Type A USB cable, the power dissipation of 7 W violates the USB-3.0 specification. Will the G-Drive SSD consume less power, i.e. within the 4.5W spec limit for a USB-3.0 port?

Hi @Grillo.aa,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

I had not opened a Support Case but had been given a Reference number 221023-000094. I just followed your request and filled out a form to open a Support Case. However, the reply to that submission did not mention a Case Number, but again used the term Reference Number, i.e. a new Reference Number. I don’t know if a real Support Case has been opened but I am becoming very tired and frustrated at not receiving honest answers to my questions.
Alexander Grillo