Possible fraudulent microSD card.

I purchased a 128GB MicroSD card of the SanDisk brand.
It was very unstable on my Android device and eventually my android phone refused to detect it. My laptop was able to detect it, and format it etc.

My suspicions:

  1. The packaging says “Made in China” yet what is etched on the card itself is “MADE IN TAIWAN”. Is this OK? I dont mean to bring geopolitics in here.
  2. The packaging says “microSDHC UHS-I Card with Adapter” yet the card itself reads out ‘microSDXC’. This looks very suspicious.

Im presently running the H2TestW on it and average write speed is around 14.2MBps. Is this legit?
The packaging also mentions “10 year warranty”, right beside it is the URL “Warranty | Western Digital” which does not to be functioning at the time of writing this post.

Thank you.

Hi @confusedcherry4
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